2009. április 19., vasárnap
Quilt festival
There is an Online Quilt Festival organised by Park City Girl, and I am entering with the above quilt.
This is my favourite quilt. I made it while living in Sydney, from the Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazine. It took me 3 months to finish it, February-April 1996. Most of the quilt is done by hand, I used Heat and Bond to fix the little bits to the background, then used blanket stitch to sew them on. The fabrics are from all over the globe, pieces I found as old samples from Hungary in the office, pieces I bought in India and Sydney, pieces I got from my friends in the quilting bee I used to go to in Coogee. It is tied in the corners and quilted around the figures. It is hanging in the landing and I still stop to adore it every time I pass it.
Park City Girl Online Quilt Fesztivált rendez, és én is beneveztem a fenti quilttel.
Ez a kedvenc quiltem. Még Sydney-ben készítettem, az Australian Patchwork and Quilting magazinból. 3 hónapig dolgoztam rajta, 1996 február-április között. A takaró nagy része kézzel készült, fátyolragasztót használtam a hátérre rögzítéshez, majd pelenkaöltéssel varrtam körbe a darabokat. Az anyagok a világ minden részéről valók, vannak benne olyanok, amiket az irodában találtam magyar cég mintadarabjaként, van, amit Indiában vettem, van, amit Sydney-ben és van, amit a foltvarró körben kaptam a barátaimtól, ahova anno jártam Coogee-ban. A sarkokban kötöztem, a figurák körül steppeltem. A lépcsőfordulónkat díszíti, és a mai napig minden alkalommal megcsodálom, ha arra járok.
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22 megjegyzés:
What a darling quilt! I can see why you adore it.
It is truly and original work of art! I just love it and it inspires me to try applique. Really lovely, really.
I love how the fabric came from all around the world, it obviously brings up great memories for you! Thanks for sharing such a beautiful quilt!
I love anything that has sheep in it :) Very nice job, love it.
Hát most nekiállok lefordítani,mert furdalja az oldalamat a kiváncsiság.:)
Most látom,hogyha Sidneybe lettünk volna ,ott több a foltos bolt és egyebek,ugye?
Milyen szép és kedves!!!!
jól értettem,hogy beneveztél vele?
Olyan darabokból is varrtad,maiket kaptál???Nagyon kellene már befejeznem a férjem takaróját és varrni,varrni....
...amiket kaptál?....
I really like those sunflowers!
This is just the cutest. I like how you used the black.
What a very very cute quilt. Love the pattern.
What a fun quilt, it made me smile.
Great quilt love those sunflowers
I love your applique, and I am so impressed that you did it all by hand. Lovely quilt.
So lovely, what a beautiful quilt!
this is a really charming quilt!
What a sweet quilt that is. I would stop and admire it as well.
~Tootles for now!
I enjoyed seeing your quilt. Thanks for visiting mine as well!
What a fun quilt. I love the colors.
I am in love!! You are so talented. Boy do I have a lot of learning to do! Fabulous job. If you ever get tired of it, send it my way. We will love it!!!
I love that it is made of so many different fabrics--and that you remember where each one came from!
What a sweet quilt! Love all the little creatures in it!
I love your quilt entry.
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