Now, this one has been a real WISP for me, and this is also my October for finish for OPAM. I received this DMC kit from my best friend, who always finds me very challenging presents. The kit includes four patterns, this one above, the others show cutlery or teapots or chandeliers, all in this old fashioned way, and with metal glimmering DMC threads to make them. I started this one, planning to slowly work my way through the others as well, but now I am not so sure... maybe when I retire and after I'll have finished Emma's doll house cross stitch... It was really difficult to sew with this kind of thread, it kept snapping, and fraying, and then one day I discovered in the instructions (why oh why did I not read it properly before???), that there were two ways to make these patterns: either using only metal threads, or using them partly just to highlight part of the design. So I quickly replaced a few skeins with 'normal' threads and half of this little picture is made the first way, and half is made the second way. Can you guess which is made by which way? :-)
I love all of them after all the trouble of course.
Ez a kép egy DMC csomagból készült. A barátnőm mindig ilyen roppant bonyolult készletekkel lep meg, valami hihetetlen hite van bennem, muszáj megvarrnom őket, nem okozhatok csalódást neki :-) 4 minta volt a készletben, a fenti, aztán evőeszközös, csilláros és teáskannás. Hozzá fémszálas hímzőfonalak jártak, amikkel nagyon nehéz varrni, foszlanak, szakadnak, merevek. Amúgy szépek. Már kivarrtam pár bútordarabot, mire aprólékosabban elolvasva a leírást rájöttem, hogy nem muszáj mindent ezekkel varrni, lehet, úgy is, hogy csak néhány színnél használom a fémszáls fonalat, a többit 'normál' fonallal varrom. Szaladtam is a boltba rögtön! :-)
Vajon melyik bútor hogyan készült, kitaláljátok? :-)
Amúgy mind nagyon tetszik.
2 megjegyzés:
I am just catching up here. I love your needle work! I can only do cross stitch if it is very slow around here, otherwise I lose count. I love that quilt that you made. My machine broke yesterday, so I need to go look at it this morning.
Wow! It's beautiful -- what a lot of work. Congratulations on a fine finish!
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