2011. október 31., hétfő

Bloggers' Quilt Festival 2011 Fall

The time has come for the next Bloggers' Quilt Festival - wow, how time flies!

My entry this time is my Grandpa's Quilt, which I made - yet again - of fabric found in the office in Sydney. These were sample squares of men's suit fabric which I sewed together going from light to dark from one corner to the other. I used a matching flanelette fabric for the back, and there is no wadding inside it, it is quite heavy as it is. We use it as a picnic rug.

I named it Grandpa's Quilt because my Grandfather was a tailor and I spent a lot of time in his workroom during my summer holidays while I was small, looking through his stash of suit fabric, learning sewing, and talking with him, and these little squares and their peculiar smell reminded me of him and of the happy times I had with him. Unfortunately he died before I took up quilting, so he never saw anything I made.

Ez az idei nevezésem Amy szokásos Quilt Fesztiválján.
A sydney-i iroda raktárában talált öltöny anyagmintákból varrtam, amiket igyekeztem úgy összerakni - a férjem hathatós segítségével - , hogy világostól a sötét felé haladjanak a négyzetek. A hátulja egy hozzáillő flanell anyagból készült. Azért neveztem Nagyapa Quilt-jének, mert a Nagypapámra emlékeztet, aki szabó volt, és gyerekkoromban a szünidők alatt sok időt töltöttem vele a műhelyében, ahol varrni tanítgatott, meg beszélgettünk. Sajnos, meghalt mielőtt foltvarrni kezdtem volna, így soha nem láthatott egyetlen munkámat sem.

15 megjegyzés:

Lynne írta...

What a lovely way to remember your grandfather!

trish írta...

fabulous. :o)

Pat Merkle írta...

I'm sure he is smiling down on you and your wonderful quilt!

Myra írta...

Wonderful! 8-)

Shari írta...

I love tough quilts that are to be used. And it's nice to remember your grandfather this way. This reminds me of the Australian Wagga.

Kathryn írta...

Lovely story behind the name of the quilt, and a beautiful quilt too! What a great idea to use those fabrics!

Kathryn írta...

Lovely story behind the name of the quilt, and a beautiful quilt too! What a great idea to use those fabrics!

Lauren Phelps írta...

I love it! What a great story to go with a great quilt!

Hideaway Girl írta...

What a geat quilt! I love that you used mens suit fabric. I am a fan of using quirky textiles in quilts. What a great way to remember your grandfather!

straythreads írta...

beautiful quilt and lovely memories

Lyanna L. írta...

what a nice way to remember your grandfather - lovely quilt.

Cynthia írta...

That's so cool that you made your quilt out of men's suit fabrics. Quilts with meaning are always great!!

BunkHouseQuilts írta...

Your grandpa would have loved having a picnic on this quilt with you. I think it's wonderful! I have a vintage quilt my grandmother made from men's wool suits.

Tina in Boston írta...

What a gorgeous quilt. I'm happy you got to use some of your grandfather's fabric. That makes it even more special. I'm sure he's smiling at it!

Thanks for your kind words on my kimono quilt. I'd love to see your quilt of Japanese girls if you have a photo!

Eileen írta...

what a lovely reminder of your grandfather! how nice to use it often, too. thanks for sharing and have a great day